Multimedia Ministry

The gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world.










Now that church has evolved beyond the four walls of the building, we have the mandate to reach lost souls virtually.  We believe the Kingdom of God should impact every aspect of culture. We are committed to exalting Christ on every platform and making him known to our generation.

Ravayah Assembly  is increasingly exploring how online community through social media can empower the us to be witnesses of the good news of Jesus Christ as church members and Christians. We believe it is of necessity that the gospel of the Kingdom is preached in the whole world. The sphere of online community provides the best platform to share the life change that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Make sure you stay updated by keeping up with us on our social media platforms.


And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.  Matthew 24:14

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